So after a few days grace period we resumed to play some more turns of the scenario Combat at Osma from the Vittoria Scenario book for Dave Brown's General de Armee...
Turn 4 onwards...
Firefight along the edge of wood and hill between 36th Ligne and 1st KGL Light Regt. |
2nd KGL lights pouring fire into the 1st/2nd Light veterans |
Halkett's 1st KGL Line and skirmishers vs Fririon's 2n/2nd Light pour fire back and forth |
exchange of fir on the right, Portuguese Line and Reservists getting worst of it, however deadly cacadore skirmishers lay fire into the battery... |
French left massing to pour fire on the advancing Portuguese... |
Haye goes Hesitant again... |
The situation at end of turn4 |
Turn 5...
Anson arrives turn 5 |
Portuguese Reservists retreat with 9 casualties |
8th Cacadores firefight with French skirmishers 3rd Portuguese feeling the love from the French battery... |
Fierce fighting and shooting around Osma, Halkett's try and charge the French line but don't go in so firefight ensues the Germans get the worst of it in the centre... |
The right however tells a different story, Ompteda's Light KGL regiments charge and break the line forcing retreat and retirements back for my two most right units, this causes Fririon to FALTER |
Havoc ensues on French right |
Fririon was not only Hesitant this turn he actually then went Faltering as well, the next roll will be crucial. |
Looking shaky on the right |
The scene at the end of Turn 5, very shaky image apologies, I was so shocked and distraught (sob sob) by the outcome of the fighting on the right |
Turn 6
Apologies for poor image, the two battalions of the 65th Line assault the 8th Cacadores, this was a fight I could win and secure the left flank surely...??? |
I then threw double 1 and Jas threw an 11, REALLY....??? |
Haye assaults Osma and throws out the 4th Light retreating from the village and the Artillery retires back as the were acting in support... |
This blew apart my left flank and threw Menne into a faltering state as I now had two units retreating...every unit was unformed, retreating or retiring!!! |
Not looking so good on the left flank now!!! |
Haye taking Osma with one good supported charge... |
The right flank still looking very shaky, although the French have reformed slightly... |
Fire fight still ensues, with French getting slightly better albeit being shot in flank... |
View of the field at end of turn 6, looks shaky for the French... |
Turn 7
Right flank, French Light Veterans move off behind the line unit in column, don't want to be under fire from all that lot... |
One of Halketts KGL regiments disperses under heavy fire from the only steady bit of the line, albeit flanked... and under pressure from the right... and the left... and in front... |
British units under Haye advance through Osma and poor fire onto the French light and cause them to disperse... |
The 4th Light recover and charge the wavering 8th Cacadores surely were gonna sort them out this time? Yep you guessed it no we didn't, we routed and the Cacadores held the high ground, bloody Portuguese!!! |
Anson coming up on the left, Haye in foreground... |
very shaky Left flank for the French now, although the Portuguese are a spent force Anson is pushing up fast... |
Anson, with Haye on left and pushing through the village, and the Cacadores on the right... |
View of the field of battle at end of turn 7... |
It was at this point I conceded the game, I could not see how I could pull the French out of this, and in real time the French probably would have been retiring at this point, this does have implications for the French in the second scenario, Consequently, Maucune’s
Division will not available to help the French in the
next scenario, the Battle for the Puebla Heights... TBC...
As the game was played over Whats App, it did mean that I was moving all the troops and deciphering the orders from Jason, personally thought it went quite well and felt the scenario was a well balanced set up and I look forward to playing the rest of the linked battles in the near future, however now being back to work will slow this down somewhat, I hope to get the next game sorted very soon, hopefully you enjoyed this production, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions on improvements or just general comments please let me know? over and out for now...