Sunday, 25 May 2014

Sons of the Desert Game

Been ages since I wrote on here... been busy with family things and work but here we are now with a report on the game I ran at the Devon Wargames Club last meet, there were two other games on site, Musket and Tomahawk run by Chas and Chain of Command run by Jason.
I ran a Sons of the Desert Game, with 28mm Arabs and Legion... cue Le Boudin...

The game was set on a 6x4 table with a Legion Fort set in one corner, Arab camp at the other end...
The Legion forces commanded by Jack were selected randomly, by a dice roll, the Legion had some poor initial rolls and only one section of ten men were deployed defending / manning the Fort.
The Arabs, run by Ollie were deployed either on the table at the Arab camp or in secret in the surrounding terrain, he could choose when to deploy, or as a flanking force... oh the choices eh Ollie?
Turn one the Arabs and Legion diced for reserves... none arrives...
Arabs deploy forces in the camp and there is a group of sharpshooters on the high ground, and a group coming off the high ground mid board and move down to the rocky area...
Turns two and three see the Arabs move forward laying down fire on the Fort to little effect, where as the Legion fire is quite accurate and takes its toll...
A group of Arabs manage to get to the undefended door, but only just, there movement leaving them in the exposed area, the Legion at close range devastate the Arabs and only two flee in panic the others lay dead and dying...
Turn four and the Jack finds his form with the reinforcement dice, and gets the other two sections and the three support options of 2 x mg's and 1 x mountain gun coming on, however, these have to dice for arrival points, nothing is ever easy in my games...
Jack's dice, one is just behind the Fort just in the nick of time, the other at the far end of the board near the Arab camp...
Arab turn and they launch another attack at the gates, as the defenders are being slowly whittled down with lots of fire from supporting units, whilst a unit arrives from the board edge to try and scale the walls, the Legion force arriving decimates this force with a close range volley, however this fire and Jacks dice cause him to run low on ammo, all the ammo is in the pack animals...
At this point an Arab force arrives just behind the Legion, again completely random, they must have been trailing them... my excuse anyways... they mount an attack but fail to contact the Legion in the rear...  
The Arabs fail to close on the Legion!!!! they would only fail on a ten, guess what Ollie rolled...
The Legion then volleyed and killed most of the Arabs... game over...
We then decided to have the Legion defend the Fort with the Arabs swarming in for a second game...
Jack stayed Legion, Ollie with Arabs... 

This became a shoot fest admittedly, with the Arabs being mown down at every eventuality, Ollies face says it all really... 

Thanks to Ollie and Jack for the fun games we managed to play on the day, with the first outing of SOD...
Other things managed to play a days gaming at JJ's home recently, at the of war-games, and we played the 205th Anniversary game of Oporto in 18mm, see JJ's blog for details, it was a great day with great company, thanks to all, especially Jonathan for his fantastic table, terrain, figures, and being a great host...