Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Chain of Command Pre-Order Has Started - Ive got mine!!!! Have you got yours????

 Achtung!!! Hot Off the press!!
The pre-order period for Chain of Command just started at the TooFatLardies website.
There are 3 different bundles at the moment offering a multitude of products combining the rules hardcopy  and a pdf/tablet version, especially designed 28mm jump-off point markers and other game materials at a great discount off the retail price that will be set on the release date (21st August), so don't miss the chance to pick up a bargain!

 In Lard Island Blog you'll find some nice photos of these game materials and other relevant  information

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Well I've gone and done it!!!! Kickstarter has now begun. Wargamers~Head Quarters.

Hi All,

Well I have gone and done it, I've set the wheels in motion, I have now launched my Kickstarter to launch my dream and set up a Wargames Holiday Centre, the



I have already put some of my money into this project and plan to plough in all the remainder of our savings to fulfil this business project, this is it, no more working for other people, its down to me and me alone!!!
The plan is good, I just have to get the remainder of the finances in place and away we go, hence the Kickstarter project, so if you or you know of anyone who wants to support me in this please support the project but more importantly please let others know of my Kickstarter set up...

I am also looking for collections of figures, terrain etc., for sale, hire etc., and would not be adverse to any comments, advice or help in any form or type, please just let me know, comment or email me, no idea is a bad idea...


Now this has been a dream of mine for a number of years, as it probably has been for many gamers and will be for future war gamers, but since being made redundant in April and with a great amount of encouragement and support from my better half and family, I am well into the process of putting together a business for a new War Gaming Centre the "Wargames Head Quarters" down here in Torquay, Sunny Devon, a war games holiday centre in all intents and purposes, but I will not be calling it that due to the name already being used elsewhere in the country.

The plan is to have a minimum of a 18' x 12' gaming area, this will be the minimum, table space is massively bigger than this at the moment, I have to re-gig the layout though, planning for larger, to facilitate 10 to 20 players a time, maybe more, and to have workshops for terrain building and painting service, a storage area, a soft furnished relaxation and briefing area, an office area, and a front of house sales room.The terrain will be of a durable, flexible nature to represent the battlefields of the Napoleonic campaigns, starting with Waterloo, Gettysburg and ACW battles, Normandy/France, the Sudan, and Zulu Natal...
Project room with tables installed yet to be converted for terrain and wargames use each table area ie between the blue posts is 7'x4', so there will be a minimum of 21'x 14' playable area... with much more scope for expanding if required...
Project room with tables installed yet to be converted for terrain and wargames use each table area ie between the blue posts is 7'x4', so there will be a minimum of 21'x 14' playable area... with much more scope for expanding if required...
Project room view 2 tables are yet to be cut down and terrained for use, but you can see the idea...
Project room view 2 tables are yet to be cut down and terrained for use, but you can see the idea...
Project room area where the proposed soft furnished briefing room and board/smaller games room will be situated...
Project room area where the proposed soft furnished briefing room and board/smaller games room will be situated...

Very early stage pictures of the property that I am proposing to rent, it requires some TLC, but its sound and the framework is there in place ready to roll...

 Bookings are planned to start the first weekend in February 2014 and run through until 1st weekend of November, there will be 40 full weekends planned, Friday PM through to Sunday PM, and 20 full weeks Monday AM through to Friday PM available, depending on bookings and club requests we may increase the full weeks to meet demand and or specific club or group requests.

I have found an ideal building for this, and plan to get started as soon as possible.

I will update as and when progress is made with pictures and information.

The periods I am planning to cover will be Napoleonic 28mm primarily then American Civil War 28mm, Sudan 28mm, and World War Two planned 15mm for bigger battles and flanking manoeuvres etc., & then into Zulu 28mm, and 28mm WW2 gaming for the close in actions, Wild West 28mm, Ancients & Medieval 28mm and, eventually to cover most periods and battles once set up and successful.
Allied Napoleonic Divisions collected so far, much much more on the way...
Allied Napoleonic Divisions collected so far, much much more on the way...
French Infantry so far...
French Infantry so far...
French Cavalry so far...
French Cavalry so far...
Saxon Allied Corp...
Saxon Allied Corp...
Lassalle with the Chassuers...
Lassalle with the Chassuers...
ACW Union Corps so far... much much more on the way...
ACW Union Corps so far... much much more on the way...
Rebel forces building up...
Rebel forces building up...
ACW Rebs on the march...
ACW Rebs on the march...
Sudan Brish force building up nicely... lots more egyptians required...
Sudan Brish force building up nicely... lots more egyptians required...
Sudan Dervish forces start to mass for the Mhadi and Osman Dinga... More required...
Sudan Dervish forces start to mass for the Mhadi and Osman Dinga... More required...

Allied 15mm tank formation building nicely...

Allied 15mm support elements start up force...

Allied 15mm infantry and some German Armour...

More Allied tanks and US Para force start up...

I am in the process of purchasing many more figures, collections and terrain to facilitate this plan to be ready to roll officially in February 2014, hopefully we can open earlier depending on the level of support reached, we may open late 2013 October/November...

If groups wish to come together, and want to play a particular period or battle we can arrange and accommodate where feasible.

Again if you or you know of anyone who wants to support me in this please support the project but more importantly please let others know of my Kickstarter set up...

Friday, 5 July 2013

Planning... A new business...

Hi All,
Now this has been on my mind for a number of years, but since being made redundant in April and with not any luck in the new job front, and with a great amount of encouragement and support from my better half and family, I am well into the process of putting together a business plan for a new War Gaming Centre down here in Sunny Devon, a wargames holiday centre in all intents and purposes, but I will not be calling it that due to the name already being used elsewhere in the country, I am playing with some ideas for names at present but not finalised anything as yet.

I am just trying to get finances sorted at the moment to support this and set this up going forward, I will be presenting this to Kickstarter to raise set up finances, and/or the usual routes with the banks and other interested persons.

The plan is to have a minimum of a 21' x 18' gaming area, to facilitate 10 to 20 players a time, and to have workshops for terrain building and painting, a storage area, a soft furnished relaxation area, and an office area, I have found an ideal building for this, and plan to get started as soon as possible.

The periods I am planning to cover will be Napoleonic 28mm,  American Civil War 28mm, Sudan 28mm, Zulu 28mm, World War Two planned 15mm for bigger battles and flanking manoeuvres etc., and 28mm WW2 gaming as well for the close in actions, Wild West 28mm, then into Ancients & Medieval 28mm and, eventually to cover most periods and battles once set up and successful.

I am in the process of purchasing figures and terrain to facilitate this plan...

I would welcome any feedback or comments from my fellow wargamers, and would solicit any assistance offered.

If you want to comment on here feel free, or if you wish to email me direct please do so on stumpythetoxic@fsmail.net


Balaclava Black Powder Game ~North Devon

Saturday 29th June, saw me travel to North Devon for the Yearly bash at Cobbaton, the game run and organised by Chas and Clive.

This years game was a Black Powder Battle of Balaclava, there were 11 of us playing all together and a good time was had by all.

Below are some pictures and a AAR of my flank of the battle and what I saw happening else where, I was in command of one Division of the Russian Army on the Right Flank, and the Army Reserve ...

Chas lays out the events for the day and deploys forces to the appropriate generals

Chas explains to the British higher command their system of giving commands for the day, gets complicated and messy!!!

General Clive sorting his Divisions out, more Vodka!!!

The British Light and Heavy Brigades of JJ and Vince still snoozing, having not had their early morning tea delivered and their uniforms ironed...

The Russians arrive turn 1, my Division having crossed the river further up stream advance ahead of the main body who have yet to cross the river, this was done tardily, with Andy only getting low scores for his command only moving one move for most of his units, blocking the way for the following Divisions and my support, Mike's cavalry Division... 

Andy's Russians slowly crosses the river... with the other Divisions in tow... Clive's Division arrived on the board and then stopped, top of picture, more Vodka!!!

View from my side of the river looking back at the advancing Russian forces...

My lead Division surging up the valley taking fire from the Turkish guns on the heights, my flank was to have been covered by the cavalry but these were held up at the river crossing... 

Finally under way...

My division went all the way down the valley and took the heights at the far right of the Russian flank, intending to hold up any Brits coming down their Left.

Hurrah the advance begins in earnest...

Poised ready to strike... defending the right!!!

Clive and Andy's Divisions attacking the Turkish Guns...

The British Heavy & Light Cavalry Brigades and the Royal Horse Artillery organising themselves in the valley opposite my end of the board...

French cavalry arrive opposite my Division on the hill...

A view down the valley from the advancing French column of cavalry...

Clive's troops take the first Bastion on top the steep hill, they thought the Turks were hoarding vodka there...

There was nothing to do but advance, I saw the chance to bottle up the heights and give the Frenchies a bloody nose, so at it my boys went, Hurrah!!! This was assisted by my opposite number Nick not being able to rouse his French infantry Division from their beds and then not being able to form them up. They did look very smart when they did finally arrive later in the day...

The reserve and the cavalry advance through the valley under fire from the remaining Turk guns, and unfortunately I have exposed my flank to the RHA battery who deployed on the heights to my left, damn sneaky...

Andy's fantastic dice rolling... 1's were not required!!!!

Ahhh, I think I may be in trouble at this stage, the arrival of Mike's Guards Division pulled Nick out of the poo... but dropped me right in it... but we took their fire like good Russians...

The heavy Brigade advancing down the opposite valley heading for Andy and Clive...

My Russians taking fire from the Guards... hold the line boys, hold.... I couldn't withdraw as they were disorganised and couldn't be ordered...

Nick and Mike looking on as the Guards lay it in and Mikes other Division arrives at the other end of the bluff, Nick's Frenchy's just arriving behind them in very, very pressed uniforms....

Still taking more fire and not moving, how these boys held...

Meantime at the other end of the field of battle, the other Russian commanders are making a meal of taking the Turks out and now the Heavy Brigade have arrived to annoy them... 

Taking of the heights from the Turks, this should have been easy so our general in chief told us at the beginning of the day, ha...

After the first melee with the Heavies, they clear the heights but are driven back themselves, A hole in the line appears, who will be the first to take advantage of it...

My Division still holding against the Guards, but the Brits other Division is forming on my left, my reserve Cossacks advance to annoy the RHA on the hill...

Cossacks facing off against the RHA and the Light Brigade cavalry form up on the opposite side of the hill. 

Cavalry Division supporting the final infantry push on the heights...

Russian Cavalry forming up for support...

My Division finally is able to withdraw back up to the back right to defend the flank attack forming up with 2 British divisions and the French Infantry and cavalry joining in too...

It starts getting tense in the centre and the far left flank, JJ's cavalry and Steve's attacks are causing havoc and causing concern, just look at the concentration on those faces...

Our glorious general pausing for thought, Clive's still looking for more vodka, but cant see any even with his camera...

The British thin red line advances towards me on the heights with the French supporting and the Guards still on the hill...

After extracting my Division back to the hill for defence purposes, my illustrious commander orders me forward again to attack!!! So I follow my commands and charge the British Red Line...

The Guards still on the hill, even my taunting could not bring them down, didn't want to get there uniforms dirty?

The glorious Russian Charge, Huzzah!!!!

And the thin red line breaks!!! We throw the first British unit back in the melee, Victory!!??

JJ doing his household duties, where was the frilly apron though?

In the heat of battle we follow through with the charge and hit the freshly manicured and very well dressed French Zouaves, hoping to smash them as we did the British...

Unfortunately, having being fighting all day on the right flank the charge was just too much and the fresh French managed to push my column back...

The final throws on the far left, the British cavalry commanders hovering on our tired out commander, its starting to look a bit tight over there... not enough infantry was the decision, high command had just not sent enough...

After fighting like dogs all day My Russian Right flank Division crumbled under the might of two Brit Divisions and the French Division, my units facing the advance and the Guards eventually came off the heights and deployed on my flank to lay in devastating enfilading fire...  

The end was nigh... we decided to withdraw what forces we had left and allow the British to have a victorious day, however their command structure was in absolute chaos and some of the commanders would be questioning the higher command back at Horse Guards after the amount of 11's and 12's rolled for higher command activation causing many a blunder, What What!!
My thanks to Clive and Chas for organising the event and to all the chaps on both sides for a very enjoyable day yet again... Next I believe its the Crusades maybe...