1st Brigade heading down the Nile on 3 Steamers that they have acquisitioned with towed barges to put the remainder of their forces in, this is not going to be a comfortable ride...
9 days down the Nile and the convoy reaches the 2nd Cataract, the Steamer captains slow down from full steam in the open waters to a slow careful pace in the rough waters of the cataracts, the first steamer goes through fine with a local guide leading them closely followed by the second steamer, the third steamer following a slightly different line, hits a sand bar and runs aground, the captain realising his error immediately signals the convoy of his folly, and the other captains agree to put ashore and assist in the retrieval of the barges and unloading the stuck steamer, this all takes a great deal of time and energy causing a weeks delay getting through the area... the captain suitably ashamed and harangued by the other captains vows not to fall fowl of this again... and is extremely careful at the 3rd cataracts, all steamer pass through fine... 20th January... heading for Dongola...
Meanwhile 2nd Brigade is slow in loading aboard the transports for the trip to Saukin, the Captains being careful of the loading and boarding of the troops and weapons on board...
When they eventually arrive at Saukin they unload in front of the local population cheering and clapping at their arrival, the whole process is a painful repeat of the process at Cairo...
20th January advancing from Saukin, towards Sinkat, local guides arrive with information that there is a large body of Mahdists in and around the town, Major Pengilly decides to press on and clear the town with his column...
The Battle of Sinkat... 20th January...
View of the board showing the outskirts of the town on the right, a ridge running the length of the table with rough ground interspersed along the ridge at each end of the board...
View of the town from the East...
Major Pengilly having tea and chatting with Captain Ralls their tactics for the day...
The Brits deployed and ready to roll...
The Imperial players get a couple of goes on the trot allowing them to close on the town, throwing the cavalry out on their left flank...
A small Flag arrives exactly in the town where required, all randomised of course!!!
The following turn a larger flag of nearly 6000 Fuzzies arrive eager for the fight but they are quite far from the enemy and have to move to close...
Skirmish fire coming from the town...
The cavalry are forced to make a cavalry charge with one of the cards, but this back fires as they batter my unit and force them back with several casualties...
The cavalry then trot off merrily eager for their next charge opportunity...
As the fight gets closer the Highlander Regiments and the RMLI close on the town, the building on the right was demolished by the dead eye dick gunners, missing their first barrage completely and then scoring a double demolishing the building, Artillery and MG's were to be saving grace of the British force...
The Fuzzies mass forward left of the town surging up the hill...
The firing line of the guns...
The RMLI look like they are going to be flank charged but the charge falls short...
Close in bloody melee at the edge of the town...
The Fuzzies try and close with the gun line but get shot to bits trying....
The RMLI form square and are charged several times with holding the bloody melees...
The Fuzzy main body are shot with so many casualties they cannot advance any further forward, the Mahdist leaders pull back there forces to fight another day...
The casualties for the day are just over 600 dead and wounded for the Imperial Brigade, (250 Gordons, 100 Black Watch, 200 Marines, and 50 Hussars) and just over 3000 dead left on the field of battle by the Fuzzies...
After the battle Major Pengilly decides to hold position at the town of Sinkat to collect water, refill ammo pouches and retrieve the wounded and stragglers. he will set of 22nd January...
400 men are able to return to ranks the next day, however sadly 155 men died of their wounds...